This project of cultural integration through art (music, dance, theatre, literature, etc.) was born from what was learned after the crisis suffered in the world by Covid-19; a situation after which the cultural sector was tremendously damaged and with difficulties to carry out the activities in the way they were traditionally done and to find new ways in which art reaches our young people. For this reason, the need arose to find a way to carry out cultural projects that adapt to any situation and time and that give support to this sector. We want to create a way to bring young people closer to our roots through different artistic disciplines in which we can observe signs of identity of each country. We will use music, poetry, theatre, corporal expression and dance as tools that take us to certain passages of history and bring us closer to different cultures, generating an intercultural and social dialogue, and favouring easy access to art and culture, which are of vital necessity for young people.
Since the creation of our consortium, we have been very clear that education in values is the basis for the construction of a more tolerant, inclusive and respectful society, and that this is what we want to transmit to the young people we work with, both in this and in the rest of our activities and projects. For this to be so, we must do a very important job with them working on interculturality, both by delving into our own roots to understand that our culture is influenced by many others and that this enriches it, and by knowing and learning about other different cultures, which give access to new interests and open the vision of youth understanding that it is necessary a world where all of them coexist and respect each other.
To ensure the fulfillment of our main objectives, we will realize 3 outputs of the project:
1. Methodology for the implementation of cultural workshops
2. Cultural workshops
3. Online Platform