Project reference number: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-000028665


Through the project “Building and Linking Roots”, we want young people to know in depth and give importance to the roots of the different cultures that exist in the participating countries, how essential it is a world where all of them coexist and influence each other to understand our society as we know it today.
They will learn not only part of history, but also specific elements that we have acquired in art: in music (instrumentation and melodies), in dance (movement and character), in poetry (lyrics, rhymes and words), etc.; while developing their creativity.
We want them to think again, to lay the foundations for intercultural dialogue in a tolerant, empathetic and respectful society. We would also like them to be able to transmit what they have learned in their closest circles (family, friends, classmates…).
In addition, we would like to give a new digital dimension to the way young people consume culture.


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